Conferencia General 2024- Entrevista al Obispo Juan de Dios Peña, obispo de la Iglesia Evangelica Metodista de El Salvador y Presidente de CIEMAL

La Rev. Lyssette Perez, presidenta Ejecutiva actual de MARCHA (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans), realizó una pequeña entrevista e intercambio de ideas al Obispo Juan de Dios Peña, obispo de El Salvador y presidente de CIEMAL (THE COUNCIL OF EVANGELICAL METHODIST CHURCHES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN)

Entre los temas e ideas compartidas se destacan los siguientes puntos:

  1. Reconexión y Replanteamiento de la Misión: Los líderes expresaron su deseo de reconectar y replantear lo que significa la misión para ellos hoy en día. Buscan formas de articularse como cuerpo de Cristo y están emocionados por las posibilidades de caminar juntos en esta misión.
  2. Marcha: Esta organización tiene una función importante tanto en los Estados Unidos como en América Latina, ya que es un instrumento de abogacía que trabaja para que las contribuciones de los hispanos/latinos sean apreciadas en los Estados Unidos.
  3. Inmigración: Los líderes religiosos están abogando por las personas que llegan a los Estados Unidos y necesitan apoyo. Piden a las iglesias que abran sus puertas como santuarios y que haya cordialidad en la frontera.
  4. Conexionalidad y Coalición: Los líderes trabajan en coalición y conexionalidad para aprobar asuntos dentro y fuera de la iglesia. Celebran su hermandad y están contentos de poder trabajar en conjunto con otros grupos y comisiones.
  5. Descentralización y Descolonización: Hay un fuerte apoyo para la autodeterminación de las iglesias en todo el mundo, incluyendo Estados Unidos. Los líderes buscan descentralizar y descolonizar la denominación, alejándose de un enfoque centrado en los Estados Unidos.
  6. Inclusividad: Los líderes están trabajando para que la iglesia sea para todos. Esto incluye la revisión y edición de los principios sociales para que sean globales, y la eliminación del lenguaje dañino en la disciplina de la iglesia.
  7. Verdad y Desinformación: Los líderos expresan la necesidad de compartir la verdad y no ser presas fáciles de la desinformación. Destacan la importancia de manejar la palabra “inclusividad” de una manera integral y de abrirse a la realidad que la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos vive.

En palabras de la Rev. Lyssete Perez, presidenta de MARCHA, quien aclaró rumores sobre la inclusividad.

Estamos viendo por ahí noticias que no están muy bien basadas, que dicen que la iglesia Metodista ahora se volvió una iglesia de gays. No, esto es errado, eso es un error. La iglesia Metodista Unida hoy celebra que somos una iglesia en donde cabemos todos, una iglesia inclusiva, que no deja a nadie fuera de la gracia de Dios.

El Obispo Juan de Dios también mencionó :

Creo que seríamos egoistas al no querernos abrir a esta realidad que la Iglesia Metodista en Estados Unidas vive, sigue estando presente la parte conservadora, entonces la Iglesia Metodista Unida no se abre solamente a la gente conservadora, sino que también se ha abierto a la gente progresista, como la Comunidad LGTBQIA+ y a otros grupos que no han estado bien representados

Estos puntos resaltan la visión y el compromiso de los líderes religiosos para abordar los desafíos actuales y futuros. A medida que avanzamos, estos temas serán fundamentales para la misión de la Iglesia en América Latina, el Caribe y el mundo.

PRESS RELEASE: MARCHA Satisfecha con el Veredicto de No Culpabilidad de la Obispa Carcaño.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Read in English

Obispa Minerva Carcaño Inocente 

M.A.R.C.H.A., Metodistas Asociados Representando la Causa de los Hispano Americanos/as, se expresa sumamente satisfecha con el veredicto unánime de no culpabilidad de la Obispa Minerva Carcaño, en el juicio eclesiástico al que fue expuesta luego de ser acusada de cuatro cargos en contra del libro de la disciplina de la Iglesia Metodista Unida, en respuestas a querellas recibidas en su contra.

El veredicto de no culpabilidad pone fin a la suspensión impuesta por el colegio de obispos de la jurisdicción del oeste, la cual se extendió por más de un año y medio. Desde el principio de este proceso MARCHA ha señalado que esta suspensión fue injusta e innecesaria, así como otras irregularidades en el proceso.

Ahora que el juicio a terminado, comienza un proceso delicado de restitución, sanidad y reconciliación del cual MARCHA está preparado a ser parte.

El proceso en contra de la Obispa Carcaño, el cual desde un principio MARCHA ha señalado, ha estado plagado de injusticias e irregularidades, ha causado gran dolor y daños a la Obispa Carcaño, su familia, a la Conferencia Cal-Nevada, al pueblo hispano/latino y a la Iglesia Metodista Unida.

Desde el principio de esta difícil jornada, MARCHA ha estado abogando por un proceso que fuera justo, equitativo, transparente y que condujera a paz con justicia – llamado que vez tras vez fue ignorado.

MARCHA continuará monitoreando la situación para asegurarse de que no haya más irregularidades y prevenir más daño a individuos, grupos, y comunidades.

MARCHA agradece y llama al pueblo metodista unido a continuar orando por todas las personas involucradas e impactadas por este proceso, la Obispa Carcaño, y la Iglesia Metodista Unida. Clamemos por un proceso equitativo de restitución que abra camino a un ambiente que haga la sanidad y la reconciliación posible.

Próximamente, compartiremos un análisis completo del juicio y el proceso que provocó el mismo, así como aprendizajes y observaciones sobre los próximos pasos necesarios para que se adjudique responsabilidad por las injusticias cometidas y para que situaciones como esta no vuelvan a ocurrir en nuestra denominación.

MARCHA es el Caucus oficial Hispano/Latino de la Iglesia Metodista Unida y la Iglesia Metodista de Puerto Rico.

[Read more…]


¿Ha sido la suspensión de la Obispa Carcaño justificada después de escuchar los cargos?

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juicio contra obispa minerva carcaño

Nos encontramos en Chicago para presenciar el juicio religioso en contra la Obispa Minerva Carcaño. Somos parte del grupo de observadores de MARCHA (Metodistas Asociados Representando la Causa Hispana/Latina Americana), el caucus hispano/latino de la Iglesia Metodista Unida y la Iglesia Metodista de Puerto Rico. Los observadores no podemos intervenir de ninguna manera en el proceso judicial, pero sí procuraremos continuar abogando para que la Obispa Carcaño tenga un juicio justo y que se proceda con respeto a nuestra comunidad.

Desde que el Colegio de Obispos y el Comité del Episcopado de la Jurisdicción del Oeste suspendió a la Obispa Carcaño, el 9 de marzo de 2022, MARCHA ha cuestionado los procesos para que estos se lleven a cabo de una forma justa, equitativa y transparente, y ante todo, evitar situaciones de conflicto de interés.  Esta suspensión prolongada y sin precedente, de una líder destacada de nuestra comunidad es una afrenta que percibimos como un abuso de autoridad de las personas involucradas en este caso.

Hasta el día de hoy, los cargos en contra de la Obispa Minerva Carcaño, eran confidenciales.  Ahora que tenemos conocimientos de estos, hay que valorar la seriedad de los mismos y si esta suspensión por 18 meses, fue justificada.  No hay precedente alguno de suspender en forma prolongada a un obispo u obispa de la Iglesia Metodista Unida en los Estados Unidos. Al conocer los cargos hay que estudiar cómo los mismos se relacionan con las funciones disciplinarias de un obispo y si se alega incumplimiento del deber.



We heard the charges: Was Bishop Carcaño’s suspension justified?

We are in Chicago to witness the religious trial against Bishop Minerva Carcaño. We are part of the observer group of MARCHA, the official Hispanic/Latino caucus of the United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico. We observers cannot intervene in any way in the judicial process, but we will continue advocating so that Bishop Carcaño has a fair trial and that we proceed with respect for our community.

Since the College of Bishops and the Committee of the Episcopate of the Western Jurisdiction suspended Bishop Carcaño, on March 9, 2022, MARCHA has questioned the processes so that these are carried out in a fair, equitable and transparent manner, and above all, avoid situations of conflict of interest. This prolonged and unprecedented suspension of a prominent leader in our community is an affront that we perceive as an abuse of authority by the people involved in this case.

Until today, the charges against Bishop Minerva Carcaño were confidential. Now that we have knowledge of these, we must assess their seriousness and whether this suspension for 18 months was justified. There is no precedent for the prolonged suspension of a bishop from the United Methodist Church in the United States. 

Call to Prayer: Fair Trial for Bishop Minerva Carcaño


MARCHA (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latino American) calls on the entire United Methodist Church to pray that the trial against Bishop Minerva Carcaño will be a fair trial

Bishop Carcaño, the only bishop in the history of the United Methodist Church in the USA, who has been suspended and subjected to a church trial – and just happens to be a Hispanic/Latina woman. The trial will be held at the Westpath Building in Chicago, IL, beginning on September 19, 2023, ironically right at the beginning of the Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month.

On March 9, 2022, Bishop Minerva Carcaño was suspended from all her episcopal responsibilities, by the College of Bishops and the Committee on Episcopacy of the Western Jurisdiction, even before the Committee on Investigation was organized to evaluate the charges presented against her. Since then, MARCHA has challenged the process that the Western Jurisdiction has pursued, including the prolonged and unprecedented suspension of Bishop Carcaño.

MARCHA reaffirms and emphasizes Bishop Minerva Carcaño’s prophetic leadership through her unwavering commitment to social justice within the United Methodist Church and in our global contextssociety. MARCHA recognizes that her prophetic voice in favor of marginalized communities, immigrants, and refugees has and continues to positively impact our Hispanic/Latino communities. The absence of her voice at this critical juncture in the life of our broken denomination severely has severely affected and harmed the present and future of the Hispanic/Latino church. For this reason we call the whole church to pray for this trial and for Bishop Minerva Carcaño, and her family, and all who are involved in this trial.



We ask each of you to be part of the prayer vigil by going to the virtual calendar to include your name in the time of your preference.

We call the people to pray for the following topics:

  • For a fair trial.
  • For Bishop Minerva Carcaño and her family.
  • For Bishop Alfred Gwinn, jury, complainants, attorneys, observers, and others involved in the trial.
  • For God to bring healing and reconciliation to the entire church

Sign-up into our virtual prayer calendar:

When: September 19-23, 2023.


Instructions for scheduling virtual prayer time:

Follow the example of the following images:

  1. You have the option to remain anonymous
  2. Registration can be in Spanish or English
  3. You can pray for one hour by reserving the time exclusively
  4. You can share the same prayer time with other people, to do this; preferably do not check the first 2 options
  5. Note that the Format is 24 hours, Central time.

Press here to schedule a slot for our virtual prayer

Llamado a la oración: por un juicio justo para la Obispa Carcaño


MARCHA (Metodistas Asociados Representando la Causa Hispana/Latina Americana) hace un llamado a toda la Iglesia Metodista Unida a orar para que el juicio contra la Obispa Minerva Carcaño sea un juicio justo, siendo la Obispa Carcaño, la única obispa en la historia de la Iglesia Metodista Unida en EE.UU., que ha sido suspendida y sometida a un juicio religioso – y resulta ser, que es una obispa mujer hispana/latina. El juicio se llevará a cabo en el edificio de Westpath en Chicago, IL, iniciando el 19 de septiembre de 2023, irónicamente al comienzo de la celebración del mes de la herencia hispana/latina.

El 9 de marzo de 2022, la Obispa Minerva Carcaño fue suspendida de todas sus responsabilidades episcopales, por el Colegio de Obispos y el Comité de Episcopado de la Jurisdicción del Oeste, incluso antes de que se organizara el Comité de Investigación para evaluar los cargos presentados en su contra. Desde entonces, MARCHA ha desafiado los procesos que ha seguido la Jurisdicción del Oeste, incluyendo la suspensión prolongada y sin precedente de la Obispa Carcaño.

MARCHA reafirma y enfatiza el liderazgo profético de la Obispa Minerva Carcaño a través de su compromiso inquebrantable con la justicia social dentro de la Iglesia Metodista Unida y en nuestra sociedad global. MARCHA reconoce que su voz profética a favor de las comunidades marginadas, inmigrantes y refugiados ha tenido y continúa impactando positivamente a nuestras comunidades hispanas/latinas. La ausencia de su voz en este momento crítico en la vida de nuestra denominación ha afectado y dañado gravemente el presente y el futuro de la iglesia hispana/latina. Por esta razón llamamos a toda la iglesia a orar por este juicio y por la Obispa Minerva Carcaño y su familia.


Solicitamos a cada uno de ustedes que sean parte de la vigilia de oración yendo al calendario virtual para incluir su nombre en la hora de su preferencia.

Llamamos al pueblo a orar por los siguientes temas:

  • Por un juicio justo.
  • Por la Obispa Minerva Carcaño y su familia.
  • Por el Obispo Alfred Gwinn, jurado, acusantes, abogados, observadores, y otras personas involucradas en el juicio.
  • Por que Dios se manifieste trayendo sanidad y reconciliación a toda la iglesia

Anote su nombre en nuestro calendario virtual de oración:

Cuando: 19-23 de Septiembre de 2023.


Instrucciones para agendar tiempo de oración virtual.

siga el ejemplo de las siguientes imágenes:

  1. Usted tiene la opción de permanecer anónimo
  2. El registro puede ser en Español ó en Inglés
  3. Puede orar por una hora reservando la hora de forma exclusiva
  4. Puede compartir la misma hora de oración con otras personas, para hacer esto;
    de preferencia no marque las 2 primeras opciones
  5. Note que el Formato es de 24 hrs, hora Central.


Oprime aquí para agendar tu momento de oración


A statement on the current immigration situation

By Immigration Law & Justice Network | Co-Executive Director Alba Jaramillo
By Rev. Lyssette Pérez | President of MARCHA (Methodist Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latnix-Americans)

Immigration Law & Justice Network a network of 19 immigration legal service providers, and MARCHA (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latinx Americans, the official Hispanic/Latinx caucus of the United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, condemns again, in the strongest terms, Governors Abbot’s (TX), DeSantis (FL), and Ducey’s (AZ) inhumane migrant relocation programs.

As we mentioned in our last press release on November 10, 2022 these three governors have continued busing —or flown—thousands of asylum seekers to Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard, and even Vice President Kamala Harris’s official residence. They have done so in bad faith and without coordination with non-profits and local government.

We know these state governments intend to continue to divide, sow mistrust, and create chaos, overwhelming the social services of the states which are receiving the immigrants and ultimately turning away migrants at the border seeking refuge.

Recently, the same governors are passing anti-immigration laws that violate the human rights of those who are seeking refuge and sanction the communities of faith who are welcoming immigrants following our faith values. These dehumanizing policies create trauma by breaking the nuclear families and violating the fundamental right of religious freedom.

As a network of legal service providers and people of faith, we know that this political stunt is cruel and immoral.

1. An immediate end to this dehumanizing political charade of transporting migrants around the nation.
2. All elected leaders and political candidates to refrain from hateful language towards the immigrant community and use asylum seekers as political props.
3. National and local news networks to provide accurate and unbiased information as they cover this humanitarian crisis while denouncing discriminatory narratives.
4. Communities of faith and other community groups where migrants are arriving to organize and offer radical hospitality to ensure the safety and well-being of those displaced through this vindictive practice.
5. Interreligious communities in states with anti-immigrant policies, such as Florida, Texas, and Arizona, to come together and organize massively and press the governors in question to dismay in their attempt to dehumanize the migrant families and demand the protection of their religious rights.
6. The Biden Administration “to restore and strengthen our asylum system,” as has been promised multiple times since his campaign.

A statement to the COB

May 24, 2023

Dear Council of Bishops,

May the peace of the Risen Christ be with you and your ministry always! On April 28th, 2023, MARCHA (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latinx Americans), requested the Council of Bishops to take over the entire complaint process against Bishop Minerva Carcaño according to paragraph 413 of the Book of Discipline; after Judicial Council ruling in Decision 1484 to ensure a fair, equitable and transparent process for all parties involved.

However, the Council of Bishops has remained silent and has not acted on this matter. Why is the Council of Bishops ignoring the case? (Matthew 27:24)

The Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and Committee on Episcopacy imposed an unprecedented, questionable, and prolonged suspension on Bishop Minerva Carcaño, undermining her effective prophetic ministry nationally, and preventing her from fulfilling her episcopal responsibilities while the complaint process unfolds. The suspension and the length of the process has created distrust in the complaint process system of our Church, an increase of misinformation regarding the case, and a hostile environment among us.

The suspension of Bishop Carcaño has also caused chaos and more division in our already broken denomination and created tension between laity and clergy, not only at the California-Nevada Annual Conference, but across the Western Jurisdiction and the global Church. In addition to this, MARCHA and other racial ethnic advocacy ministries, as well as the work of GCORR (General Commission on Religion and Race) and GCSRW (General Commission on the Status and Role of Women), has been challenged by leaders of the Western Jurisdiction, at this critical time that our church struggles to stay united and dismantle racism.

On May 4th, 2023, the Western Jurisdiction announced that the case against Bishop Minerva Carcaño is going to a church trial.

THEREFORE, to guarantee a fair, equitable, and transparent church trial for all parties and to avoid any resemblance of a conflict of interest, MARCHA respectfully requests that:

• The Council of Bishops take over the church trial process against Bishop Minerva Carcaño;
• The church trial for Bishop Carcaño be open to the public and be held in any of the following jurisdictions: North Central, North Eastern, South Central, or South Eastern;
• The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) and the General Commission on the Role and Status of Women (GCRSW) monitor the church trial process;
• And that our Church continues to be engaged in a time of prayer for all parties involved.

Peace with Justice,

Rev. Lyssette Perez
President of MARCHA

Response to Anti-Immigrant Legislation in TX & FL

ILJ Network and MARCHA Respond to Anti-Immigrant Legislation in Texas & Florida

By Co-Executive Director Alba Jaramillo | Immigration Law & Justice Network
By Rev. Lyssette Pérez | President of MARCHA (Methodist Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latinx-Americans)

Immigration Law & Justice Network, a national network of 19 immigration legal service providers, and MARCHA  (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latinx Americans, the official Hispanic/Latinx caucus of the United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, condemn recent anti-immigration legislation in Texas and Florida.

On Thursday May 10th, the House of Representatives in Texas passed HB7, which allows for the creation of a “Border Force,” an extension of the Texas Rangers that would be dedicated to arresting undocumented migrants. HB7 would make it a misdemeanor to cross into Texas without lawful immigration status and would result in 1-2 years of jail time for a second attempt. The proposal could also result in life sentences for migrants who have previously been convicted of a felony. In essence, this bill proposes the creation of a state border patrol agency while creating a codified system of racism.

On July 1st, Florida will begin to enforce SB1718. Under this law, employers will be penalized for hiring undocumented immigrants. Out-of-state driver licenses will no longer be valid, unless additional proof of authorized immigration status is presented. Hospitals that receive Medicaid will be required to collect patient’s immigration status. People who transport undocumented immigrant across the state lines will be charged with third-degree felony. Lastly, $12 million of the general revenue fund will be spent on busing migrants arbitrarily out of state.

ILJ Network and MARCHA denounce the extreme anti-immigrant bills endorsed by elected officials in Texas and Florida. The bills perpetrate hatred and xenophobia while failing to provide solutions for undocumented immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers that need the protection of our nation’s laws.

As a network of legal service providers and people of faith, we know that these bills are cruel, immoral, and unnecessary. Therefore, WE JOINTLY CALL FOR:

  1. Faith communities in states with anti-immigrant policies, such as Florida and Texas, to protest and press elected officials to reverse and refrain from endorsing policies that separate and criminalize immigrant families.
  2. Hold elected officials accountable for perpetrating hate through racist legislation.
  3. Faith leaders in houses of worship and faith-based organizations to educate their constituents about harmful immigration policies that are not in line with our spiritual obligations to love our neighbors and provide aid.
  4. Coordinate efforts to display radical hospitality to immigrants.

Our biggest sin is silence, which makes us complicit of this evil. We must join forces to achieve justice for our immigrant community.

Please sign in support of our statement:

Sign the Letter



May 17, 2023

Whereas, MARCHA (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latinx American) represents a critical voice for the Hispanic/Latinx community within The United Methodist Church (UMC) and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico. For the last 50 years, MARCHA has advocated for equity, peace, and justice, inside and outside the Church, and the full inclusion of our diversity at all denomination levels.

Whereas, the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and Committee on Episcopacy imposed an unprecedented, questionable, and prolonged suspension on Bishop Minerva Carcaño, preventing her from fulfilling her episcopal responsibilities while the complaint process unfolds.

Whereas, the suspension of Bishop Carcaño has caused chaos and more division in our already broken denomination and created tension between laity and clergy, not only at the California-Nevada Annual Conference but across the Western Jurisdiction and the global Church.

Whereas, MARCHA has requested the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and Committee on Episcopacy, for over a year, to ensure that all proceedings regarding the case of Bishop Carcaño follow a fair, equitable, and transparent process for all parties involved.

Whereas, MARCHA has called the Council of Bishops on two occasions to take over the entire complaint process against Bishop Carcaño according to paragraph 413 of the Book of Disciple in line with the Judicial Council ruling in Decision 1484 to ensure a fair, equitable, and transparent process. However, the Council of Bishops has remained silent and inactive on this matter.

Whereas, the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR), the General Commission on the Role and Status of Women (GCRSW), the Western Jurisdiction Inter-Ethnic Caucus, the Chinese Caucus, and other advocacy groups have joined MARCHA’s efforts in raising our serious concerns about this unprecedented case and now join us in raising our voices for a fair, equitable and transparent process in the case against Bishop Minerva Carcaño.

Whereas, the prolonged suspension of Bishop Minerva Carcaño and the length of the process has created distrust in the complaint process system of our Church, an increase of misinformation regarding the case, and a hostile environment among us.

And whereas, the Western Jurisdiction announced on May 4th, 2023, that the case against Bishop Minerva Carcaño is going to a church trial.

THEREFORE, to guarantee a fair, equitable, and transparent church trial for all parties and to avoid any resemblance of a conflict of interest, MARCHA respectfully requests that:

  • The Council of Bishops to take over the church trial process against Bishop Minerva Carcaño;
  • The church trial for Bishop Carcaño be open to the public and be held in any of the following jurisdictions: North Central, North Eastern, South Central, or South Eastern;
  • The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) and the General Commission on the Role and Status of Women (GCRSW) monitor the church trial process;
  • And that our Church continues to be engaged in a time of prayer for all parties involved.

Native American International Caucus Joins MARCHA in requesting lift of Carcaño suspension



March 16, 2023
We, leaders and members of ethnic caucuses of California-Nevada Annual Conference as well
as national ethnic caucuses of The United Methodist Church, are putting out this public call
because our letter of request (Exhibit 1) to the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and
Western Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy to lift the unprecedented, prolonged suspension
of our Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño was met with silence. We are now left with one option, and
that is to go public.

It is in order to present to you a chronology of the events which leads to this public call.

1. On March 9, 2022, the Western Jurisdiction Committee on the Episcopacy and the Western
Jurisdiction College of Bishops announced that Bishop Minerva Carcaño of the San
Francisco Episcopal Area has been placed on leave from episcopal responsibilities after
they received two complaints against her (Exhibit 2). But the announcement did not
describe the nature of the complaints; instead, the name of the bishop was made known to
the public, while the names of the complainants were kept confidential. The announcement
stated that under the church law a bishop may be suspended for a period not to exceed 60
days. But the announcement did not cite which section of the church law. Apparently, the
church law mentioned in the announcement must be Paragraph 413.3a in the 2016 Book of
Discipline (Exhibit 3). The announcement said that the bishop “shall receive full pay and
benefits during that time while the allegations are under review” and “the aim of which is to
work toward a just resolution.”

However, we noted that the action for change of status of Bishop Minerva Carcaño was taken
prior to the establishment of the Administrative Review Committee which was required to review
the disciplinary procedures. Paragraph 539 in the 2016 Book of Discipline (Exhibit 4) clearly
states that the only purpose of the Administrative Review Committee “shall be to ensure that the
disciplinary procedures for any involuntary action recommended by the jurisdictional committee
on episcopacy are properly followed. The entire administrative process leading to the action for
change of status of the bishop shall be reviewed by the administrative review committee, and it
shall report its findings to the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy and the jurisdictional
conference prior to any action by those bodies.” Therefore, changing the status of the bishop,
from active to suspension, before the establishment of the Administrative Review Committee is
clearly a violation of the fair process.

2. On March 17, 2022, the Methodist Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latino
Americans (hereafter “MARCHA”) wrote and posted an open letter (Exhibit 5) to the
Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops, “MARCHA is puzzled by the decision of the
Western Jurisdiction’s College of Bishop to suspend Bishop Carcaño while a special
committee investigates the complaints related to the suspension. This action raises concern
as a prolonged process can only produce a negative impact, independently of the result of
the investigation.”

3. On March 25, 2022, the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops wrote a letter to MARCHA
(Exhibit 6), saying that the process was being followed as outlined in Paragraph 413.3a in
the 2016 Book of Discipline (BOD). The letter also stated, “It was for protection from harm
for all parties that suspension was put in place. The BOD allows for up to 60 days, but
should a just resolution be achieved prior to May 7, the suspension would be lifted.”

4. On April 6, 2022, MARCHA requested the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops to lift the
suspension of Bishop Minerva Carcaño. It says, “MARCHA respectfully requested the
Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops to lift the suspension of Bishop Carcaño
immediately, while the complaint process continued to find a resolution.” (Exhibit 7)

5. May 7, 2022 was the 60th day of the suspension of Bishop Carcaño. The suspension was
not lifted.

6. In May 2022, an appeal was sent to the Judicial Council of The United Methodist Church,
the Church’s highest court. Paragraph 523 in the 2016 Book of Discipline clearly states,
“Any bishop shall have the right of appeal to the Judicial Council.” (Exhibit 8). This appeal
was brought to the Judicial Council after the suspension extended beyond the Book of
Discipline’s maximum period of 60 days.

7. On September 5, 2022, the Chinese Caucus of California-Nevada Annual Conference
realized that their bishop was placed on leave for a long time. They were also told that they
cannot talk, visit, or contact her. Thus, they issued a press release to their Bishop Minerva
Carcaño (Exhibit 9), hoping that their Bishop would receive it somehow. The press release
was emailed to many bishops of our denomination as well as many clergy and lay members
of the Annual Conference. Their open letter expressed their admiration of Bishop Carcaño’s
episcopal leadership and guidance as well as her care for ethnic clergy, churches and
ministries. Their open letter concluded with these words, “Bishop, we miss you, we love
you, we pray for you.”

8. On October 25, 2022, Memorandum Number 1450 (Exhibit 10) with reference to the appeal
of Bishop Carcaño was published by the Judicial Council, which comprises 9 Members. The
majority, 5 of 9 Members, ruled, “Therefore, the Judicial Council declines jurisdiction in this

a. However, the minority, 4 of 9 Members, disagreed with the majority. In their dissenting
opinion, citing various Paragraphs of the 2016 Book of Discipline, including Paragraph
539, the minority stated, “The Bishop’s rights have been violated” and “fair process has
been violated.” The minority concluded, “Therefore, we disagree with the majority
opinion and believe that the Bishop is entitled to immediate reinstatement to her
episcopal assignment.”

b. The minority also noted, “The Bishop that brought this appeal has been subjected to a
suspension that was extended beyond the Discipline’s maximum period of sixty days.”

c. Footnote 1 of the majority’s decision stated, “As of the date of the oral hearing in this
matter, the Western Jurisdiction has not established the Administrative Review
Committee (ARC) despite the fact that ¶ 539 of the Discipline requires it do so. While the
pending matter has not and may not reach the ARC, we observe that fair process will
require that the ARC be established with members appointed to the same as required by
the Discipline.”

9. On October 31, 2022, the 238th day of the suspension of Bishop Carcaño, the Western
Jurisdiction College of Bishops published “Information regarding the complaint process”
(Exhibit 11). There is new information, and we have some questions.

a. For the first time we were informed that the complaints brought against Bishop Minerva
Carcaño were about “violating the sacred trust of ordained ministry.” The phrase,
“ordained ministry,” gives an impression that clergy might be involved in filing the
complaints. Why were the names of the complainant kept secret up to now? A new
benefit, “housing,” which was not listed in the announcement of the suspension of
Bishop Carcaño published on March 9, 2022, was added here.

b. The Information says, “However, a new suspension was put in place at the request of
the Counsel of the Church (¶2704.1c).” No rationale was given to this new suspension.
Paragraph 2704.1c (Exhibit 12) states, “If five or more members of the committee on
investigation so recommend, the jurisdictional committee on the episcopacy may
suspend the respondent pending the conclusion of the trial process.”

c. Paragraph 2704.1c does not clearly specify a time limit of suspension, while Paragraph
413.3a & 413.3b did limit it to a total of 300 days. Under this Paragraph, the respondent
could be suspended as long as the investigation and trial process take.

d. The word “may” in legal terms is an expression of possibility. It normally implies some
degree of discretion. Given the Judicial Council’s ruling of 5-4 vote, did the Western
Jurisdiction College of Bishops take the minority opinion and the footnote of the
majority’s decision, the violation of Paragraph 539, into serious consideration? What
degree of discretion was used in their deliberation to place a new suspension on Bishop
Carcaño, since she has been suspended for 238 days already?

e. This double suspension, the first and the second, will produce a negative impact on
Bishop Minerva Carcaño herself. MARCHA has already voiced out this concern in their
open letter dated March 17, 2022, “a prolonged process can only produce a negative
impact, independently of the result of the investigation.”

f. The discretionary language in Paragraph 2704.1c allows the Western Jurisdiction
College of Bishops and the Committee on Episcopacy to suspend the Bishop as long as
the investigation and trial process take. It means that they could suspend Bishop
Carcaño indefinitely!

10. On December 22, 2022, the California-Nevada Conference Committee on Episcopacy
issued a summary of the process involving Bishop Carcaño’s case (Exhibit 13). It basically
reiterated the information provided by the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops on
October 31, 2022. However, there was one new piece of information.

a. It says, “An individual under suspension should not address work related issues, attend
meetings, or be in contact with persons affiliated with the organization at any level.”

b. The new information above, now prohibits Bishop Carcaño from being “in contact with
persons affiliated with the organization at any level.” This confirmed what the Chinese
Caucus of California-Nevada Annual Conference had heard, that is, they cannot talk,
visit, or contact their bishop.

c. The Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and Committee on Episcopacy have said
repeatedly that suspension is neither punitive nor a judgment of guilt. How is the action
taken against the bishop as enumerated above, not constitute punitive? We wonder if
the application of punitive in this matter could be viewed or seen by other persons in the
same way?

d. Furthermore, Bishop Carcaño is prohibited to “attend meetings.” Bishop Carcaño is not
only a key leader of the denomination, serving on many general boards and agencies,
but also a strong advocate for refugees, immigrant rights and human rights (Exhibit 14).
She “has testified before the U.S. House of Representative Judiciary Subcommittee on
immigration and Border Security.” Additionally, “A water station in the Sonoran Desert
bearing Bishop Carcaño’s name was placed there by the Humane Borders organization
in recognition of her efforts to save the lives of immigrants crossing this treacherous land
seeking life and hope.”

The reputation of Bishop Minerva Carcaño in the community at large is well attested! Given the
legacy of Bishop Minerva Carcaño, the prohibition against her as mentioned earlier, is most
devastating and hurtful.

11. On December 28, 2022, nine clergy and lay members of the Filipino American United
Methodist in the California-Nevada Annual Conference wrote an open letter to support
Bishop Minerva Carcaño as well as to urge the Western Jurisdiction Committee on
Episcopacy to find a just resolution and end the suspension (Exhibit 15).

12. On January 19, 2023, Rev. Jorge Domingues, Executive Director of Connectional Ministries
of California-Nevada Annual Conference, invited Rev. Peter Lau, Rev. Tikiko Lesuma, Rev.
Tevita Koroi and Dr. Mary Cheng to a zoom conversation about ethnic ministries (Exhibit
16). The letter which the leaders of ethnic caucuses drafted and wanted to mail to the
President of the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and the Chair of the Western
Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy was brought up in the conversation. There was an
argument over the content of the letter. Rev. Domingues and Rev. Lesuma wanted Rev.
Lau to remove or change the statements that the prolonged suspension of Bishop Carcaño
had a negative impact on ethnic ministries and missions in the California-Nevada Annual
Conference. Dr. Cheng supported them. But, Rev. Lau refused to do so. The argument
escalated, when Rev. Lau felt that he was being accused and framed, he left the zoom
meeting instantly.

13. On January 26, 2023, fourteen clergy and one lay member of various ethnic caucuses in
California-Nevada Annual Conference and national ethnic caucuses mailed a letter of
request (dated January 20, 2023) to the President of the Western Jurisdiction College of
Bishops and the Chair of the Western Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy (see Exhibit 1).
The letter concluded with these words, “Therefore, we humbly beseech you to immediately
terminate the prolonged suspension of Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño and immediately restore
her to her episcopal office and responsibilities.” As mentioned above, our letter was met
with silence.

14. On February 15, 2023, the Chair of Tongan Mission of California-Nevada Conference sent a
letter of endorsement to the President of the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and
the Chair of the Western Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy to request to immediately
terminate the prolonged suspension of Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño (Exhibit 17). His letter
was also met with silence.

15. March 15, 2023 was the 373rd day of the suspension of Bishop Minerva Carcaño.
From the above chronology of the events, these are our candid observations:

1. The Western Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy and College of Bishops have not
addressed the issue of violation of fair process prescribed in Paragraph 539 in the 2016 Book of
Discipline: changing status of Bishop Minerva Carcaño [that is, suspension] without first
establishing the Administrative Review Committee to review the disciplinary procedures.

2. By prohibiting Bishop Minerva Carcaño from attending meetings and being in contact with
persons affiliated with the organization at any level, is in our view, punitive and judgmental. This
action has hurt and continues to hurt our ethnic ministries and missions in the California-Nevada
Conference as well as nationwide.

3, Placing suspension one after another on Bishop Minerva Carcaño, the Western Jurisdiction
Committee on Episcopacy and College of Bishops show no intention to restore her to her
episcopal office. This, in our view, is considered an indefinite suspension.

4. Providing Bishop Minerva Carcaño, full pay salary, benefits, and housing during the time of
suspension is not the issue. The issue is that the prolonged suspension has damaged the
reputation of Bishop Minerva Carcaño and has discredited her faithful years of services and
contributions to the California-Nevada Annual Conference.

5. The Judicial Council, the United Methodist Church’s highest court, declined jurisdiction in
Bishop Minerva Carcaño’s case. Therefore, the door of appeal to challenge her suspension is
closed. We are now left with one option, call on the members of our conference and the United
Methodist Church to join us to appeal for the lifting of Bishop Minerva Carcaño’s suspension.
We are fully aware that there might be some reactions because of our position in bringing
Bishop Minerva Carcano’s case to the public square. But our Church advocates social justice
and fair process.




Chinese Caucus requests lifting of Carcaño’s suspension


April 29, 2023

Dear Council of Bishops,

Greetings in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Today is the 418th Day of the suspension of our Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño.

We clergy and laity of the ethnic caucuses of the California-Nevada Annual Conference as well as
of Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church, have expressed our serious concerns over
the unprecedented ongoing suspension of our Bishop Minerva Carcaño in four letters at different
On January 20, 2023, we mailed a letter of request to the President of the Western Jurisdiction
College of Bishops and the Chair of the Western Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy to
immediately lift the prolonged suspension of Bishop Minerva Carcaño and immediately restore her
to her episcopal office and responsibilities. However, our voices were ignored.
We realized that the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and Committee on Episcopacy would
not address the violation of fair process as prescribed in Paragraph 539 in the 2016 Book of
Moreover, by placing suspension one after another (Paragraph 413.3 first and Paragraph 2704.1
next) on Bishop Minerva Carcaño, the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops and Committee on
Episcopacy have shown no intention to restore her to her episcopal office and could suspend her
In addition to the prolonged suspension, Bishop Minerva Carcano was prohibited to “be in contact
with persons affiliated with the organization at any level.” This treatment has hurt the ministries of
ethnic minority local churches and communities as well as damaged her reputation in public square.
We shared this situation with a retired civilian court judge, an active member of a local United
Methodist Church, he said, “In a civilian court, this kind of inquisition would not be tolerated,
because our Constitution requires that an accused be brought to trial or hearing in a reasonably
timed manner.”
On April 25, 2023, the Judicial Council Decision Number 1484, by a 7 to 2 vote, ruled: “The
provisions of ¶ 413.3d(ii) and (iv) are constitutional because they do not violate the constitution of
the United Methodist Church.” We see light at the end of the tunnel.
Bishops, we humbly beseech you to exercise your constitutional authority to remove the complaint
against Bishop Minerva Carcaño from the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops to the Council of
Bishops and create a panel that ensures a fair, equitable, and transparent process.
Bishops, we earnestly plead with you to immediately lift the inconceivable prolonged suspension of
Bishop Minerva Carcaño, 418 Days, while the process continues. We really miss her and her able
and gracious episcopal leadership.

Peter Lau

Rev. Dr. Peter K. Lau
Chair, Chinese Caucus of California-Nevada Conference

Chair, Tongan Mission of California-Nevada Conference : Rev. Sifa Hingano
Secretary, Hispanic Caucus of California-Nevada Conference: Mrs. Norman M. Betancourt
Chair, Formosan Caucus of California-Nevada Conference: Rev. William Chou
Chair, Fijian Caucus of California-Nevada Conference: Rev. Tevita G. Koroi
Chair, Vietnamese Caucus of California-Nevada Conference: Rev. Charles Tran
Chair, Korean Caucus of California-Nevada Conference: Rev. Dr. Justin Chesung Ryu
Chair, Hmong Caucus of California-Nevada Conference: Rev. Cheng Yang
Chair, Pacific Islander Ministries of California-Nevada Conference: Rev. Latu Tangulu
Representative of Filipino Caucus of California-Nevada Conference: Rev. Dr. Fel Cao
Chair, Chinese Caucus of Western Jurisdiction: Rev. Ernest Kan
President, MARCHA-WEST: Rev. Jorge Rodriguez Vazquez


For more information, contact Rev. Lyssette N. Pérez, President of MARCHA

Open Letter to the Council of Bishops


Open Letter to the Council of Bishops
Of the United Methodist Church

April 28, 2023

Dear Council of Bishops,

We greet you in the name of our Resurrected Lord, Jesus the Christ!
We write to you today to express our continued pain and deep disappointment for the extended and unprecedented suspension of Bishop Minerva Carcaño. On two occasions, MARCHA (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latinx Americans) has requested the Council of Bishops to take over the entire complaint process against Bishop Carcaño according to paragraph 413; however, the Council of Bishops has not acted on this matter.

Now that the Judicial Council has ruled that the Council of Bishops can proceed with paragraph 413, we respectfully demand that the Council proceed with creating a panel that ensures a fair, equitable, and transparent process. We also request that Bishop Carcaño’s suspension be lifted so she can assume her episcopal responsibilities immediately, while the process continues.

The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR), the General Commission on the Role and Status of Women (GCRSW), the Western Jurisdiction Inter-Ethnic Caucus, the Chinese Caucus and other advocacy groups have joined our efforts in raising our serious concerns about this unprecedented action, and now join us in raising our voices for a fair, transparent, and equitable process for Bishop Minerva Carcaño.
MARCHA continues to feel the collateral impact of Bishop Carcaño’s imposed silence, particularly when immigrants and other intentionally oppressed communities are directly impacted in states like Florida and Texas.

Therefore, we implore you to act now.

We continue to pray for the entire Council of Bishops in this pivotal time of our beloved church as we recommit ourselves to ending the sin of racism and engaging in the deep work of decentering whiteness.

¡En la lucha hay vida!

Rev. Lyssette N. Pérez, President

MARCHA 2023 – San Antonio, TX

We are looking forward to gathering in person after 4 years of being physically separated by COVID19 – more than ever, the voices of Hispanic/Latinxs are needed as our denomination prepares for a historic General Conference in 2024, and together we build the next expressions of the United Methodist movement.

Digital Program      Register Here!

Agenda – MARCHA 2023

Thursday, August 10th

7:00 a.m.                     Breakfast on your own

8:00 a.m.                     Executive Council Meeting

9:00 a.m.                     MARCHA Registration Opens

8:00 a.m.                     MARCHA WEST Meeting

11:00 a.m.                   South Central Jurisdiction Meeting

11:00 a.m.                   Displays set up

12:00 p.m.                   Lunch on your own

1:00 p.m.                     MARCHA Registration continues

2:00 p.m.                     Opening Plenary

3:30 p.m.                     Plenary Session II

5:00 p.m.                     Dinner on your own

7:30 p.m.                     Opening Worship

9:00 p.m.                     Reception and Fellowship


Friday, August 11th

7:00 a.m.                     Breakfast on your own

8:00 a.m.                     Registration

8:45 a.m.                     Opening Prayer

9:00 a.m.                     2024 General Conference Legislation to be considered by MARCHA

11:00 a.m.                   Q&A

12:00 p.m.                   Break and Visit Display Tables

12:00 p.m.                   Lunch break on your own

1:30 p.m.                     Workshop Session 1

2:45 p.m.                     Workshop Session 2

3:45 p.m.                     Coffee Break

4:00 p.m.                     Meeting by Jurisdiction & Methodist Church of Puerto Rico

5:30 p.m.                     Break

7:00 p.m.                     Banquet


Saturday, August 12th

7:00 a.m.                     Breakfast on your own

8:30 a.m.                     Business, Budget & Elections

11:30 a.m.                   Closing Service

12:00 p.m.                   Lunch on your own



12:00 p.m.                   Resources for a Church in Transition: Rev. Dr. Lydia Muñóz & Manuel




August 10-12, 2023


La Trinidad United Methodist Church

 300 San Fernando St, San Antonio, TX 78207

Online Participation Available – registration required


Fairfield San Antonio Downtown Market Square

620 S. Santa Rosa Ave.

San Antonio, TX 78204


Register Here!



MARCHA condemns the intrusion into fair process and the breach of confidentiality by unidentified parties who, in the name of “The Western Jurisdiction” have delivered misleading communication to jurisdictional conference delegates, annual conference members, and public audiences.  The statement was sent to all jurisdictional conference delegates, it appeared on the website of the California-Nevada Annual Conference California-Nevada Conference of The UMC | Information regarding the complaint process (, and The Daily Digest, published online by the United Methodist News Service for the denomination, provided the text of the statement on October 31.

As a justice-seeking caucus, MARCHA is always concerned with the underlying systemic oppressions that can justify actions taken, which prompts us to raise the following questions regarding the mentioned statement:

  • Who are the authors of the unsigned statement who discuss “the complaints brought against Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño” and claim to provide information about the complaint process as well as the status of Bishop Carcaño’s suspension?
  • What was the purpose of releasing the statement on the eve of the delegates’ arrivals in Salt Lake City for the 2022 Western Jurisdictional Conference?
  • Why does the statement omit important elements of a complaint process under the Book of Discipline?  The statement from the anonymous “Western Jurisdiction” parties ignores the procedures for managing complaints that include the authority of the President or Secretary of the College of Bishops to dismiss the complaint (¶ 413.3d).
  • Why does the statement mislead and misinform delegates and others about the content of Judicial Council Memorandum 1450? What the Judicial Council ruled, by a vote of 5-4, was that a Bishop can appeal to the Judicial Council regarding errors, flaws, and failures in a complaint process only at the conclusion of the process.
  • Why does the statement, when it refers to the Judicial Council ruling, not acknowledge the important dissents in Judicial Council Memorandum 1450, and does not give information that will allow delegates and others easy access to the full text of the ruling? What the dissenting opinions in the ruling make clear, however, is the view of four Judicial Council members that “fair process has been violated” and “the Bishop is entitled to immediate reinstatement.”

The statement misleadingly implies that suspension of a Bishop is a routine procedure in dealing with complaints, when in fact it has never occurred previously.  In addition, the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy has discretion to impose suspension only under certain conditions (¶ 2704.1c).

MARCHA continues to be outraged at the injustices in the complaint process related to Bishop Minerva Carcaño.  We are now concerned that by mentioning the name of Bishop Carcaño in its opening line, the statement not only personalizes the information it claims to offer but also contributes to the cloud of suspicion that surrounds any opportunity for fair process, which she is guaranteed to receive in The United Methodist Church.

Therefore, MARCHA repeats and renews our call for the Western Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy to remove the suspension that has been imposed on Bishop Carcaño and to allow the complaint process to continue without the cloud of suspicion, innuendo, and misinformation.

Furthermore, we also renew our urgent call to the Council of Bishops to remove the complaint from the Western Jurisdiction’s College to the Council of Bishops, as per paragraph 413.d.iv in the Book of Discipline, to ensure that a fair and equitable process is followed.

MARCHA will continue to closely monitor the process and invites the denomination to continue praying for all parties involved and for a path towards healing and reconciliation to emerge. MARCHA stands ready to be a part of the healing and reconciliation process.




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