Open Letter to the Council of Bishops

Open Letter to the Council of Bishops


Open Letter to the Council of Bishops
Of the United Methodist Church

April 28, 2023

Dear Council of Bishops,

We greet you in the name of our Resurrected Lord, Jesus the Christ!
We write to you today to express our continued pain and deep disappointment for the extended and unprecedented suspension of Bishop Minerva Carcaño. On two occasions, MARCHA (Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latinx Americans) has requested the Council of Bishops to take over the entire complaint process against Bishop Carcaño according to paragraph 413; however, the Council of Bishops has not acted on this matter.

Now that the Judicial Council has ruled that the Council of Bishops can proceed with paragraph 413, we respectfully demand that the Council proceed with creating a panel that ensures a fair, equitable, and transparent process. We also request that Bishop Carcaño’s suspension be lifted so she can assume her episcopal responsibilities immediately, while the process continues.

The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR), the General Commission on the Role and Status of Women (GCRSW), the Western Jurisdiction Inter-Ethnic Caucus, the Chinese Caucus and other advocacy groups have joined our efforts in raising our serious concerns about this unprecedented action, and now join us in raising our voices for a fair, transparent, and equitable process for Bishop Minerva Carcaño.
MARCHA continues to feel the collateral impact of Bishop Carcaño’s imposed silence, particularly when immigrants and other intentionally oppressed communities are directly impacted in states like Florida and Texas.

Therefore, we implore you to act now.

We continue to pray for the entire Council of Bishops in this pivotal time of our beloved church as we recommit ourselves to ending the sin of racism and engaging in the deep work of decentering whiteness.

¡En la lucha hay vida!

Rev. Lyssette N. Pérez, President

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  • Scott Amundsen

    Bishop Carcaño has long been a champion of full inclusion in the Church. She does not deserve to be censured; she needs our support.

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