MARCHA 2016 – Resumen e Informes

MARCHA 2016 - Recap

FEATURED: Cien (100) Fotos de MARCHA 2016 – Cortesía de Comunicaciones IMU.

Durante los días de 4 al 7 de Agosto de 2016, tuvo lugar la 45ta. Asamblea de MARCHA en la Isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico. El evento, al cual asistieron sobre 200+ personas, se desarrolló alrededor del tema Abrazando Nuevos Horizontes. Tanto las presentaciones, como los mensajes en los cultos y devocionales y talleres, promovieron una reflexión en comunidad sobre la necesidad de discernir el futuro al cual Dios nos llama y nuestro deseo de buscar nuevas formas de ministerio en la formación de los discípulos Hispano-Latinos comprometidos con aquel a quien toda potestad ha sido dada en el cielo y en la tierra, nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Además de todas las actividades en la agenda, los participantes también tuvieron tiempo para visitar las hermosas playas de Isla Verde y el bosque tropical El Yunque, degustar lo mejor de la comida puertorriqueña, así como visitar el histórico Viejo San Juan, y conocer más sobre los ministerio de la IMPR en el Caño Martín Peña. Nuestra gratitud a la Dra. Doris García por aceptar ser nuestra oradora principal quien nos retó a un compromiso más profundo con nuestro ministerio [Read more…]

GC 2016: General Conference Report

By Rev. Lyssette N. Pérez

As the Vice-President of MARCHA, I was honored to coordinate the legislative work of MARCHA at the 2016 General Conference with our MARCHA Team.  The names of the team members are listed at the end of this report.  A total of 864 delegates from our denomination met at the Portland Convention Center in Oregon, for 11 days and worked with more than 1,000 petitions to amend and update the Book of Disciple and the Book of Resolutions.  There were only 18 Hispanic/Latinos delegates at the conference.  Petitions were assigned to the following 12 legislative committees: [Read more…]

MARCHA 2016: Call to Action, Open Table at the Intersection

As the youth of M.A.R.C.H.A., we understand our call and responsibility to do good, to do no harm and build the Beloved Community[1].  Amidst our theological differences, we call M.A.R.C.H.A. 2016 to start conversations and to take actions against systemic oppression; and acknowledge the intersectionality in which we live and struggle daily. [Read more…]

MARCHA 2016: Call to Action, Mobilizing for Voting in the 2016 US Elections

MARCHA (Methodist Associated to Represent the Cause of Hispanic Americans) acknowledges our call and responsibility to do good, do no harm and to stay in love with God.  Amidst our theological/political differences, we hold to these Methodist principles and denounce, condemn and take action against anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican, anti-Hispanic/Latino/a rhetoric. In the present political climate, some candidates have based their presidential/political campaigns on fear by criminalizing and dehumanizing documented and undocumented persons. The hateful ideology proclaimed by these persons seeks to silence the voices and invalidate the humanity of those that are at the social/political/economic margins. [Read more…]

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