MARCHA and JFON Respond to the Busing of Asylum Seekers

Vea abajo para versión en español

National Justice For Our Neighbors, a network of 19 immigration legal service providers, and Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans (MARCHA), the official Hispanic/ Latinx Caucus in the United Methodist Church, condemn, in the strongest terms, Governors Abbot’s (TX),  DeSantis (FL), and Ducey’s (AZ) inhumane migrant relocation programs.

Governor Abbot, DeSantis, and Ducey have bused—or flown—thousands of asylum seekers to Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard, and even Vice President Kamala Harris’s official residence. They have done so in bad faith and without coordination with non-profits and local government.

Their intent is transparent: to divide, sow mistrust, and create chaos until we turn away migrants at the border seeking refuge.

Rather than meeting international obligations to welcome and protect asylum seekers, these three governors are using asylum seekers as political pawns to fabricate a crisis leading up to the midterm elections. They have intentionally misled asylum seekers with false promises, sabotaging their cases by leaving them stranded far from their scheduled court hearings, and then purposefully overwhelming community shelters and local resources.

As a network of legal service providers and people of faith, we know that this political stunt is cruel and immoral.

We jointly call for:

  1. an immediate end to this dehumanizing political charade of busing migrants around the nation
  2. all elected leaders and political candidates to refrain from using migrants and asylum seekers as political props
  3. national and local news networks to provide accurate and unbiased information as they cover this humanitarian crisis
  4. faith communities and other community groups where migrants are being bused to organize and offer radical hospitality to ensure the safety and well-being of those displaced through this vindictive practice
  5. the Biden Administration “to restore and strengthen our asylum system,” as has been promised multiple times since his campaign.

Asylum is not about politics. It is a human and legal right. The asylum process must begin with allowing asylum seekers to seek refuge at our borders, and it must be followed by compassion at every step of the process. It is our moral duty.

Our partners and JFON sites respond:

The current treatment of immigrants arriving at the border seeking asylum by the governors of Texas, Florida, and Arizona is inhumane and unacceptable. We must not allow hateful tactics, like the busing of migrants by these governors, to take over our nation. We applaud all the welcoming cities, like our own city of Chicago, that have stepped up to show that we can do better.

—Claudia Marchan, Executive Director, Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors

Coordinating transportation for recently arriving asylum seekers to their families and sponsors is an essential part of the humanitarian response of offering welcome to those seeking safety. But in our state, Governor Abbott is using human lives for political theater, attempting to create chaos. Asylum seekers deserve to be welcomed with dignity, not treated as political pawns.

—Kristen Bowdre, Executive Director, El Paso Justice for Our Neighbors

The haphazard and callous busing of migrants from Texas to New York is without rhyme or reason. One of our immigrant friends bused to New York—and currently staying at our church—was scheduled to report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement in San Francisco. Three of our immigrant friends were also bused to New York, even though they had family and job prospects in other states. These are human beings, who are deserving of so much better.

—Lea Mathews, St Paul & St. Andre United Methodist Church

 We must stop the harmful use of asylum seekers and their quest for safety as political propaganda. Our migrant communities and asylum seekers have legal rights to seek safety at our borders with genuine representation and a clear understanding of their legal options. We must continue our relentless advocacy to end this harmful movement.

—Roxana Aguilar, Executive Director, Arizona Justice for Our Neighbors

We call on houses of worship, people of faith, and local communities to do what they can to provide holistic assistance, resources, and community for our migrant sisters and brothers. Over the coming weeks and months, we encourage members of the faith to contact their representatives in Congress and the Biden Administration to urge them to restore and strengthen our asylum system as was promised. We need permanent solutions, and one way to do that is through legislation.

—Rev. Kendal McBroom, Director of Civil and Human Rights, General Board of Church and Society



Justicia para Nuestros Vecinos (JFON por sus siglas en inglés), una red de 19 proveedores de servicios legales de inmigración, y los Metodistas Asociadas/os en Representación de la Causa de los Hispanoamericanos (MARCHA), el Caucus oficial Hispano/Latinx en la Iglesia Metodista Unida, condenan, en los términos más enérgicos, a los gobernadores Abbot ( TX), DeSantis (FL) y los inhumanos programas de reubicación de migrantes de Ducey (AZ).

El gobernador Abbot, DeSantis y Ducey han transportado en autobús o en avión a miles de solicitantes de asilo a Washington, D.C., Nueva York, Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard e incluso a la residencia oficial de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. Lo han hecho de mala fe y sin coordinación con organizaciones sin fines de lucro y el gobierno local.

Su intención es transparente: dividir, sembrar desconfianza y crear caos hasta que rechacemos a los migrantes en la frontera que buscan refugio.

En lugar de cumplir con las obligaciones internacionales de dar la bienvenida y proteger a los solicitantes de asilo, estos tres gobernadores están utilizando a los solicitantes de asilo como peones políticos para fabricar una crisis que conduzca a las elecciones de mitad de mandato. Han engañado intencionalmente a los solicitantes de asilo con falsas promesas, saboteando sus casos dejándolos varados lejos de sus audiencias judiciales programadas y luego saturando deliberadamente los refugios comunitarios y los recursos locales.

Como red de proveedores de servicios legales y personas de fe, sabemos que este truco político es cruel e inmoral.

Hacemos un llamado conjunto para:

  1. el fin inmediato de esta farsa política deshumanizante de transportar inmigrantes en autobús por todo el país
  2. todos los líderes electos y candidatos políticos se abstengan de utilizar a los migrantes y solicitantes de asilo como apoyo político
  3. redes de noticias nacionales y locales para proporcionar información precisa e imparcial mientras cubren esta crisis humanitaria
  4. comunidades de fe y otros grupos comunitarios donde los migrantes están siendo transportados en autobús para organizarse y ofrecer hospitalidad radical para garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de los desplazados a través de esta práctica vengativa
  5. la Administración Biden “para restaurar y fortalecer nuestro sistema de asilo”, como se ha prometido varias veces desde su campaña.

El asilo no se trata de política. Es un derecho humano y jurídico. El proceso de asilo debe comenzar con permitir que los solicitantes de asilo busquen refugio en nuestras fronteras, y debe seguir la compasión en cada paso del proceso. Es nuestro deber moral.

Nuestros aliados y otras satélites de JFON responden:

El tratamiento actual de los inmigrantes que llegan a la frontera en busca de asilo por parte de los gobernadores de Texas, Florida y Arizona es inhumano e inaceptable. No debemos permitir que tácticas de odio, como el transporte en autobús de migrantes por parte de estos gobernadores, se apoderen de nuestra nación. Aplaudimos a todas las ciudades acogedoras, como nuestra propia ciudad de Chicago, que han dado un paso al frente para demostrar que podemos hacerlo mejor.

—Claudia Marchan, Directora Ejecutiva, Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors

Coordinar el transporte de los solicitantes de asilo recién llegados a sus familias y patrocinadores es una parte esencial de la respuesta humanitaria de ofrecer la bienvenida a quienes buscan seguridad. Pero en nuestro estado, el gobernador Abbott está utilizando vidas humanas para el teatro político, intentando crear caos. Los solicitantes de asilo merecen ser recibidos con dignidad, no tratados como peones políticos.

—Kristen Bowdre, Directora Ejecutiva, El Paso Justicia para Nuestros Vecinos

El transporte desordenado e insensible de los inmigrantes de Texas a Nueva York no tiene ton ni son. Uno de nuestros amigos inmigrantes que viajó en autobús a Nueva York, y actualmente se hospeda en nuestra iglesia, estaba programado para presentarse ante el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas en San Francisco. Tres de nuestros amigos inmigrantes también viajaron en autobús a Nueva York, a pesar de que tenían familia y perspectivas laborales en otros estados. Estos son seres humanos, que merecen mucho mejor.

—Lea Mathews, Iglesia Metodista Unida St Paul & St. Andre

Debemos detener el uso nocivo de los solicitantes de asilo y su búsqueda de seguridad como propaganda política. Nuestras comunidades de migrantes y solicitantes de asilo tienen derechos legales para buscar seguridad en nuestras fronteras con una representación genuina y una comprensión clara de sus opciones legales. Debemos continuar con nuestra defensa incesante para poner fin a este movimiento dañino.

—Roxana Aguilar, Directora Ejecutiva, Justicia de Arizona para Nuestros Vecinos

Hacemos un llamado a los lugares de culto, las personas de fe y las comunidades locales para que hagan lo que puedan para brindar asistencia integral, recursos y comunidad para nuestros hermanos y hermanas migrantes. Durante las próximas semanas y meses, alentamos a los miembros de la fe a que se comuniquen con sus representantes en el Congreso y la Administración Biden para instarlos a restaurar y fortalecer nuestro sistema de asilo como se prometió. Necesitamos soluciones permanentes, y una forma de hacerlo es a través de la legislación.

-Rvdo. Kendal McBroom, Director de Derechos Civiles y Humanos, Junta General de Iglesia y Socieda

Justicia para Nuestros Vecinos (JFON por sus siglas en inglés), una red de 19 proveedores de servicios legales de inmigración, y los Metodistas Asociadas/os en Representación de la Causa de los Hispanoamericanos (MARCHA), el Caucus oficial Hispano/Latinx en la Iglesia Metodista Unida, condenan, en los términos más enérgicos, a los gobernadores Abbot ( TX), DeSantis (FL) y los inhumanos programas de reubicación de migrantes de Ducey (AZ).

El gobernador Abbot, DeSantis y Ducey han transportado en autobús o en avión a miles de solicitantes de asilo a Washington, D.C., Nueva York, Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard e incluso a la residencia oficial de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. Lo han hecho de mala fe y sin coordinación con organizaciones sin fines de lucro y el gobierno local.

Su intención es transparente: dividir, sembrar desconfianza y crear caos hasta que rechacemos a los migrantes en la frontera que buscan refugio.

En lugar de cumplir con las obligaciones internacionales de dar la bienvenida y proteger a los solicitantes de asilo, estos tres gobernadores están utilizando a los solicitantes de asilo como peones políticos para fabricar una crisis que conduzca a las elecciones de mitad de mandato. Han engañado intencionalmente a los solicitantes de asilo con falsas promesas, saboteando sus casos dejándolos varados lejos de sus audiencias judiciales programadas y luego saturando deliberadamente los refugios comunitarios y los recursos locales.

Como red de proveedores de servicios legales y personas de fe, sabemos que este truco político es cruel e inmoral.

Hacemos un llamado conjunto para:

  1. el fin inmediato de esta farsa política deshumanizante de transportar inmigrantes en autobús por todo el país
  2. todos los líderes electos y candidatos políticos se abstengan de utilizar a los migrantes y solicitantes de asilo como apoyo político
  3. redes de noticias nacionales y locales para proporcionar información precisa e imparcial mientras cubren esta crisis humanitaria
  4. comunidades de fe y otros grupos comunitarios donde los migrantes están siendo transportados en autobús para organizarse y ofrecer hospitalidad radical para garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de los desplazados a través de esta práctica vengativa
  5. la Administración Biden “para restaurar y fortalecer nuestro sistema de asilo”, como se ha prometido varias veces desde su campaña.

El asilo no se trata de política. Es un derecho humano y jurídico. El proceso de asilo debe comenzar con permitir que los solicitantes de asilo busquen refugio en nuestras fronteras, y debe seguir la compasión en cada paso del proceso. Es nuestro deber moral.

Nuestros aliados y otras satélites de JFON responden:

El tratamiento actual de los inmigrantes que llegan a la frontera en busca de asilo por parte de los gobernadores de Texas, Florida y Arizona es inhumano e inaceptable. No debemos permitir que tácticas de odio, como el transporte en autobús de migrantes por parte de estos gobernadores, se apoderen de nuestra nación. Aplaudimos a todas las ciudades acogedoras, como nuestra propia ciudad de Chicago, que han dado un paso al frente para demostrar que podemos hacerlo mejor.

—Claudia Marchan, Directora Ejecutiva, Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors

Coordinar el transporte de los solicitantes de asilo recién llegados a sus familias y patrocinadores es una parte esencial de la respuesta humanitaria de ofrecer la bienvenida a quienes buscan seguridad. Pero en nuestro estado, el gobernador Abbott está utilizando vidas humanas para el teatro político, intentando crear caos. Los solicitantes de asilo merecen ser recibidos con dignidad, no tratados como peones políticos.

—Kristen Bowdre, Directora Ejecutiva, El Paso Justicia para Nuestros Vecinos

El transporte desordenado e insensible de los inmigrantes de Texas a Nueva York no tiene ton ni son. Uno de nuestros amigos inmigrantes que viajó en autobús a Nueva York, y actualmente se hospeda en nuestra iglesia, estaba programado para presentarse ante el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas en San Francisco. Tres de nuestros amigos inmigrantes también viajaron en autobús a Nueva York, a pesar de que tenían familia y perspectivas laborales en otros estados. Estos son seres humanos, que merecen mucho mejor.

—Lea Mathews, Iglesia Metodista Unida St Paul & St. Andre

Debemos detener el uso nocivo de los solicitantes de asilo y su búsqueda de seguridad como propaganda política. Nuestras comunidades de migrantes y solicitantes de asilo tienen derechos legales para buscar seguridad en nuestras fronteras con una representación genuina y una comprensión clara de sus opciones legales. Debemos continuar con nuestra defensa incesante para poner fin a este movimiento dañino.

—Roxana Aguilar, Directora Ejecutiva, Justicia de Arizona para Nuestros Vecinos

Hacemos un llamado a los lugares de culto, las personas de fe y las comunidades locales para que hagan lo que puedan para brindar asistencia integral, recursos y comunidad para nuestros hermanos y hermanas migrantes. Durante las próximas semanas y meses, alentamos a los miembros de la fe a que se comuniquen con sus representantes en el Congreso y la Administración Biden para instarlos a restaurar y fortalecer nuestro sistema de asilo como se prometió. Necesitamos soluciones permanentes, y una forma de hacerlo es a través de la legislación.

-Rvdo. Kendal McBroom, Director de Derechos Civiles y Humanos, Junta General de Iglesia y Sociedad

CALL TO ACTION – The Inter-Ethnic Strategy Development Group (IESDG) Opposes the Disestablishment of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

The Inter-Ethnic Strategy & Development Group (IESDG), representing the five racial ethnic caucuses of The United Methodist Church (UMC), believes that God calls all members of the human family to recognize, honor and protect the dignity and worth of Indigenous peoples and Native American tribes of the United States.


The Native American International Caucus (NAIC) has called for a public response to the March 2020 disestablished of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal status by the U.S. Department of the Interior. Removing indigenous sovereignty for one tribe threatens not only the existence of one native community but jeopardizes the welfare of every native community. The Government Administration’s action stands in opposition to the historic position of The United Methodist Church and further marginalizes. We must respect for the right to sovereignty which undergirds the struggle of Indigenous people’s spiritual, cultural, political and economic self-determination. The timing of this decision is particularly egregious as the coronavirus continues to inordinately ravage already vulnerable peoples who reside on tribal lands.

As racial and ethnic caucuses, IESDG is concerned that this shift in public policy impacts not only already fragile tribal communities but also has implications for the treatment of other racial and ethnic communities in their struggle for recognition, and full and equitable access to justice resources necessary for them to thrive. As an act of faith, we speak in solidarity with the NAIC and The National Congress of American Indians and all tribes in their decades long steadfast struggle to retain recognition as sovereign nations and exercise self-determination for their land, their people and their future and we demand that state and federal legislators reverse this unjust action done to the Mashpee Wampanoag people with all expediency.

IESDG calls on the Council of Bishops and Annual Conference leadership where tribal lands are located to remain vigilant and live up to the promise of our General Conference actions and with urgency to advocate for the full recognition, sovereignty, health and well-being of tribal peoples and their lands. 

IESDG calls on the General Board of Church and Society to advocate with legislative representatives and with Conference leadership to support this cause. 


The United Methodist General Conference in 1992 has confessed that The United Methodist Church (and its predecessor bodies) has sinned and continues to sin against its Native American brothers and sisters and offers this formal apology for its participation, intended and unintended, in the violent colonization of their land and called for increased awareness about the role of “Christian churches, including The United Methodist Church and its predecessor in the destruction of Native American people, culture and religious practices and in 2012 stated that The United Methodist Church will work toward eliminating the Doctrine of Discovery as a means to subjugate Indigenous peoples of property and land.

The 2016 United Methodist Resolution 3321 affirmed that, “The General Conference of The United Methodist Church affirms the sacredness of American Indian people, their languages, cultures, and gifts to the church and the world…Treaties are regarded as binding, sacred, and enduring texts by American Indians and Alaska Natives, comparable to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Therefore, it is disturbing that the US government ignored its trust responsibilities by violating treaties and other promises. Tribal sovereignty is an inherent international right of Native nations.”

The United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Article 26 is clear: “Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired” and Article 28 affirms indigenous peoples right to redress and seek restitution for lands and resources that have been confiscated, taken or occupied without their consent.

IESDG represents the five (5) national racial ethnic caucuses of The United Methodist Church:

  • Black Methodist for Church Renewal (BMCR)
  • Methodist Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic/Latino American (MARCHA)
  • National Federation of Asian American United Methodists (NFAAUM)
  • Native American International Caucus (NAIC)
  • Pacific Islander National Caucus of United Methodists (PINCUM)

Since its inception in 1992, IESDG have endeavored to remain true to the charge, “to strategize toward the renewal of The UMC in recognition of the gifts of racial/ethnic minority persons and to advocate for justice ministries within the Church and the world,” among other things.  IESDG feels the great urgency of the time and it is committed to continue to seek God’s preferred future.

For more reference on this matter, see the following articles:


March 26, 2020 – Media Contact: Ann Craig, Media Consultant 917-280-2968

Beloved, as we grapple with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Love Your Neighbor Coalition calls on United Methodists and people everywhere to pick up the mantle of justice and speak out against oppression in all forms but especially the oppression of the most
marginalized and at-risk in our world.

The outcomes of this pandemic will be far-reaching, and now more than ever we must find ways to change the ways we show up to speak out and rise in solidarity with those most at risk. Political statements which call Covid 19 the “Chinese virus” spread racism. Civic leaders who suggest that “grandparents” should sacrifice their lives for the economy put us all at risk. And, when in our denomination, we obsess on protecting our institutions while tolerating entrenched bigotry, we mirror society rather than provide a witness.

As United Methodists, our witness is global. Injustice is a plague and we can already see the outcome. Soap is hard to find in Uganda and hand sanitizer is being price gouged. The Philippines is being hard hit. Onsets in Europe are surging. Palestinians are trapped in walled sectors such as Gaza where high concentrations of people make isolation impossible. Refugees
in Syria, Turkey, the US-Mexican border and across the world have no place to turn. Children are still in cages and the massive incarceration of African descent and Latinx people in the US turns prisons into concentration camps with dire results. Always, those on the margins are hit

The postponement of the UMC General Conference not only impacts LGBTQIA people who will have to live under the harmful policies of the Traditional Plan, but it puts at high risk all vulnerable communities who rely upon denominational funding for their work and witness.

The United Methodist Church is gifted with a global network. We are united in Christ, even as we note and sometimes appreciate our differences. This crisis requires that we work together.

We urge the entire United Methodist Church to take action. Here are some ideas:

Action 1: Use the Wesleyan class system to cluster your members in online groups to support each other, pray for each other, read the news together, and organize for possible actions.

Action 2: Write to your bishop and conference BOOM to urge them to announce a moratorium on trials against LGBTQIA people and allies.

Action 3: Organize letter writing campaigns, op-eds, and social media actions when you see harm being done and “someone should say something.”

Action 4: Give to and engage with groups that are implementing advocacy and service in this era of lockdown. To this end, LYNC will give a donation to UMCOR as it addresses the pandemic and ongoing global emergencies. Join us in supporting UMCOR by following this link

Action 5 : Send notes to clergy member friends thanking them for leading us in new and different ways of being church and supporting those who are most vulnerable.

Action 6: Share additional ideas with LYNC on how to be proactive in challenging oppression and supporting vulnerable populations while staying healthy.

The Love Your Neighbor Coalition is a partnership of 14 United Methodist Church related Caucus groups working for a just, inclusive and grace-filled denomination. For generations, member groups have named God’s grace for all of God’s children and cried out for justice. We call on the denomination to end harm in every place where the Gospel of love is preached. We commit to love each other and stay in relationship with the global Body of Christ

Affirmation United Methodists
Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR)
Fossil Free UMC
MARCHA: Metodistas Asociados Representando la Causa Hispano-Americanos
Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA)
Methodists in New Directions (MIND)
National Federation of Asian American United Methodists (NFAAUM)
Native American International Caucus (NAIC)
Pacific Islanders Caucus of United Methodists (PINCUM)
Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN)
United Methodist Association of Ministers with Disabilities
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
United Methodist Queer Clergy Caucus
Western Methodist Justice Movement (WMJM)

Call to Action: Support for Dreamers & DACA

MARCHA supports and join the Immigration Task Force of the United Methodist Church in their Call to Action regarding President Trump’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which provides undocumented immigrants young employment authorization, which allows them to obtain a social security card, work and go to school. Rooted in our Hope, we will continue to work for a comprehensive immigration reform that provides a fair path to citizenship to undocumented immigrants and keep families together.

A Call to Action to The United Methodist Churches in the U.S.

September 5, 2017

We have learned that President Trump is considering rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which presently provides undocumented immigrant young people employment authorization.  Under DACA young people are able to obtain social security cards, work and go to school.

Since DACA’s inception in June 2012, almost 800,000 young people have received its benefits.  Many other young people who qualified for DACA did not come forth for a number of reasons.  Some did not trust that they would be safe if they came forward to request DACA, fearing deportation.  Others did not have the funds to pay for the fees or the legal help they needed to apply.  Some simply did not have the support systems to help them take the steps to apply for DACA.

DACA recipients have been able to work and support themselves and their families.  Economic studies have clearly shown that they have significantly contributed to the economy of the country. They have been able to go to school and prepare for their future, futures that have the potential of strengthening the well-being of the many communities where they live.   As DACA young people will share, they received hope and the opportunity to be useful and productive. [Read more…]

Conferencias Anuales 2017 Aprueban Resoluciones sobre Inmigración

En once de las conferencias anuales de la Iglesia Metodista Unida, entre los meses de mayo a junio del 2017, fueron aprobadas por unanimidad Resoluciones en apoyo al inmigrante. Uniendose a otras que en el pasado han echo lo mismo.

MARCHA, el Caucus Nacional Metodista Unido Representando la Causa Hispano-Latinoamericana encomienda y felicita la ardua labor que las 11 conferencias que a través de la nación trabajaron arduamente para que los derechos y la dignidad de las personas inmigrantes sean respetadas. [Read more…]

MARCHA 2016: Call to Action, Mobilizing for Voting in the 2016 US Elections

MARCHA (Methodist Associated to Represent the Cause of Hispanic Americans) acknowledges our call and responsibility to do good, do no harm and to stay in love with God.  Amidst our theological/political differences, we hold to these Methodist principles and denounce, condemn and take action against anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican, anti-Hispanic/Latino/a rhetoric. In the present political climate, some candidates have based their presidential/political campaigns on fear by criminalizing and dehumanizing documented and undocumented persons. The hateful ideology proclaimed by these persons seeks to silence the voices and invalidate the humanity of those that are at the social/political/economic margins. [Read more…]

MARCHA’s statement regarding the deadly shooting in Charleston SC.

charleston-morris-brown-ame-prayer-morris-581x388MARCHA, Methodist Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans, joins our sisters and brothers in grieving and mourning the tragic deaths of the pastor and members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston SC. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were wounded, the families of those killed in this senseless act of violence and hate and with all the members of this historic sister congregation.

We do not know what went through the mind of this young man that showed such wanton disregard for the sacredness of human life that led him to commit this heinous crime, what we know, because we (Latinos), have experienced it in our own communities, is the evil consequences of racism. The violence against our sisters an brothers in the Emanuel Church is not an isolated evil act, rather it is an expression of the sin of racism that continues to be nurtured in our society by those who proclaim hate and discrimination against others who are different. We have heard this kind of rhetoric in speeches of radio hosts and even in those from some civic leaders.

There is nothing that we can do to restore the lives of those who were murdered, but there much that our church and society can do to eradicate this pernicious and evil sin.

MARCHA commits itself to continue denouncing the expressions of racism, to work towards a society free of hate and violence, (to proclaim the gospel of reconciliation that God has given to us in Jesus) and call upon every person of good will to join together in building a world where justice and peace prevail.

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