GBGM Seeks new Missionaries for Varied Ministries


Are You Called to Mission Service?

 Global Ministries seeks missionaries to serve within the global Methodist connection in a variety of roles and ministries around the world. Global Ministries sends missionaries from everywhere to everywhere. Missionaries vary in age, trade-skills and occupations, and they serve in ministry with others as teachers, pilots, lawyers, agriculturalists, dieticians, physicians, nurses, administrators, accountants, pastors, photographers, journalists, community organizers, and Christian educators – just to name a few.  They desire to learn about and to share God’s love in Jesus Christ in tangible, everyday ways.

Mission Personnel of Global Ministries are:

  • Professing Christians who are familiar with and committed to The United Methodist Church and its doctrine, history and polity
  • Able to articulate their call to missionary service
  • Able to demonstrate experience and/or passion in mission and active involvement in the life and ministry of a faith community
  • Willing to engage in ministry with people of different racial, ethnic, socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds
  • Willing to serve in a context that best matches their gifts and experiences as discerned and affirmed by Global Ministries
  • Willing to connect the church in mission by itinerating and cultivating financial and spiritual support


Current Areas of Need are:

Currently, we are seeking qualified candidates who wish to explore a call to mission service with the following gifts and experiences in various regions around the world:

  • Experienced agriculturalist
  • Health and medical professionals
  • Hospital administrators
  • Vehicle maintenance specialist
  • Boy scout project leader
  • Congregational development specialist

For more information about missionary service or to apply online, visit Global Ministries’ website: you know someone these gifts and graces who may have a call to mission service, then please have them contact Global Ministries at for details


  1. Belmiro Antonio Jotamo says:

    I am a UMC pastor in Mozambique and I am feeling with a call to serve as missionary. To be missionary is my dream.

  2. Gustavo A. Chavez says:

    Salí de Nicaragua hace más de 25 años, hace un año tuve oportunidad de viajar a San Pedro Sula Honduras, me hice miembro de la Iglesia Metodista en 2010, desde entonces soy activo y ose cursos de Predicador Laico, al llegar a San Pedro Sula, pedi información de donde encontrar una Iglesia Metodista para congregarme el tiempo que esté en ese País. Para mi es increíble cómo en 25 años Yo haya olvidado las necesidades economicas y espirituales de nuestros pueblos de America Latina. Tengo 67 Años relativamente saludable, soy ciudadano Americano y estoy disponible a ayudar en lo que se me necesite como voluntario para en engrandecimiento de la Obra de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en America Latina.

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