At the 2019 Annual Meeting of MARCHA, celebrated in the city of Philadelphia, the Assembly of MARCHA affirmed the nomination of candidates for the office of bishop in The United Methodist Church.
These pastoral leaders were lifted by their respective jurisdictions as persons they believe are committed to the cause of Hispanic/Latinxs and that have the abilities, experience, and grace to be elected as a Bishop in our denomination.
The names of episcopal candidates affirmed by MARCHA are (by jurisdiction and in alphabetical order):
We also thank God for the other Hispanic/Latinx episcopal candidates that have emerged over the past months and pray God’s blessing as they offer themselves in service to the church.
MARCHA calls all United Methodists to join in prayer for all the delegates that will gather Oct 31-Nov 4, 2022, to elect new bishops for the United Methodist Church.
Join MARCHA for a special Time of Prayer for the Future of our Church, in route to Jurisdictional Conferences, Sunday, October 30, 2022, at 6:00 PM (EST) via ZOOM (Meeting Id: 944 428 8265)
MARCHA is the National Hispanic/Latino Caucus within the United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico. MARCHA’s vision is to be an instrument of advocacy and support to ensure that the contributions and cultural values of the Hispanic / Latino community are appreciated in the church and society.
As we engage the church and larger society to advocate on behalf of the Hispanic/Latino community, we are guided by the following core values;
- The Mission: We celebrate the richness of our Wesleyan tradition and its emphasis on God’s amazing grace. We are committed to the mission of the United Methodist Church of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by sharing the good news of the gospel through words and deeds that bring about healing and wholeness.
- Peace with Justice: We affirm the dignity and sacred worth of all persons, as created in the image of God. We stand in solidarity with the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized. We seek to build a community that embodies peace, justice and equity for all people.
- Unity in Diversity: We honor and respect our rich diversity as a gift from God. We celebrate the contributions and cultural values of all persons that enrich our common human experience. We seek, as members of the Body of Christ, to live in unity amid our diversity.
MARCHA works within the United Methodist Church and The Methodist Church of Puerto Rico to;
- Advocate for the Hispanic/ Latino community in and outside the church so they can reach their full God-given potential
- Affirm the dignity and respect of the Hispanic/Latino people
- Accompany the people as they organize for advocacy
- Create spaces for theological reflection on issues that impact the Hispanic/Latino community
- Promote the respect for human rights, the commitment to peace and justice, and freedom and equity in the church and society
- Solidarize with the churches and peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
- Collaborate with other ethnic-racial and ecumenical groups in our common pursue of peace with justice for all of God’s people
Contact Persons: Rev. Lyssette N. Pérez / lyssetteperez@yahoo.com