Plan Estratégico (Strategic Plan)

Executive Summary

 MARCHA represents a critical voice for the Hispanic/Latino community within the United Methodist Church (UMC) and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico.   Its purpose is to advocate for justice and speak for those who have no voice.  It creates space for theological reflection, analysis and action.  It plays an important role in the formation and development of the Latino church and its leaders.    Since its inception, MARCHA has continuously advocated for a church and society that are just, inclusive and transformational.

Over the last 40 years, the Hispanic/Latino community has experienced significant growth and diversity.  Hispanic/Latinos are no longer concentrated in northeast and southwest sections of the country.  Hispanics can now be found in all parts of the country as well as communities both large and small.    The United Methodist Church has also experienced much change.  Although many new and transformational ministries have been developed, the UMC continues to experience membership decline and fewer financial resources.   New models and approaches are needed to address these changing realities.  The following MARCHA strategic plan is a response to a new demographic and ecclesiastical landscape.  It reflects the best thinking and creativity of its members.

The Planning Process

This strategic plan provides a blue print for the transformation of the MARCHA organization.  It is the result of two key planning events involving the members of the organization and its executive leadership (Consejo Directivo).  The first event involved an Appreciative Inquiry process that took place at the 2013 MARCHA Assembly in Boston, Massachusetts.  This event was held August 8-10, 2013.  Members participated in an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process involving: 1) Discovery; 2) Dreaming and 3) Designing.  Everyone participated in a series of conversations and group activities for purposes of envisioning a new MARCHA, analyzing its current strengths and opportunities and designing new initiatives and projects.  Many ideas were presented by various table work groups and then placed on a large wall in the Assembly hall for review and reflection.  At the end of the meeting, the ideas were recorded for future planning work.   After the Assembly meeting, a MARCHA consultant (Dionisio Salazar) reviewed all of the information and then synthesized the ideas into summary themes, insights and categories.  The result of this process is attached to this report.  This document was then reviewed and evaluated by members of a leadership team that participated in a two and half day strategic planning retreat.

Seven members of the Consejo Directivo participated in a Participatory Strategic Planning (PSP) process in San Antonio, Texas from November 21 – 23, 2013.   Participants worked with the various ideas generated from the AI process.  This provided substantial input for the completion of the planning process.  The planning team participated in three Technology of ParticipationTM consensus workshops that included 1) The Wave (Trends & Paradigms of the UMC), 2) Underlying Contradictions (Barriers/Obstacles) and 3) Strategic Directions (Movement Forward).   The result of the process is attached to this report.  These workshops enabled the planning team to complete the strategic plan template provided by the General Commission on Religion and Race.  Combined, all of the above processes produced the following strategic plan that will enable MARCHA to grow, develop and achieve financial sustainability.  We foresee these goals being accomplished over the present and next quadrennium.  This work will be ongoing.

PHILOSOPHY – (Beliefs, Values, Operating Principles)

MARCHA believes in the dignity and respect of every person within and outside the church.  It acts from a sense of compassion and mission in the world.   It values diversity, inclusiveness, transparency, integrity, collaboration, teamwork and participation.    It advocates for justice for the Latino/Hispanic community in the United States and Latin America.  It provides space and opportunities addressing concerns and relevant issues throughout the UMC denomination and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico.   It believes that all Hispanic/Latino leaders, congregations and communities have the potential to experience life to its fullest and is dedicated toward achieving this reality.

VISION STATEMENT – (Dreams, Hopes, Aspirations)

The vision of MARCHA is for a strong Hispanic/Latino community that transforms the United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico in order to create effective leaders, congregations and ministries.

 MISSION STATEMENT –  (Social purpose, business and primary value of organization)

MARCHA’s mission is to advocate on behalf of the Hispanic/Latino community.   It serves as a prophetic voice and movement of the Hispanic/Latino community.   It works within the United Methodist Church and Methodist Church of Puerto Rico.  Its organizational goals are:

  • Advocacy for the Hispanic/Latino community within and outside of the United Methodist Church
  • Accompaniment and support for the Hispanic/Latino community in its formation
  • Promotion of the respect of human rights, commitment to peace justice, liberty and equality


Goal 1- Develop effective leaders for advocacy and social holiness.


  • 1 Equip Leaders for Advocacy
  • 2 Empower Young People for Social Holiness
Goal 2:  Engage UMC denomination and society on critical social justice issues.


  • 1 Address Systemic Social Justice Issues
  • 2 Engage in Innovative Partnerships and Community Development Projects
Goal 3:  Create a financially sustainable organization


  •  1 Develop a Fund Raising Campaign.
  • 2 Increase Revenue: Develop a culture of generosity by gifts and donation from members, friends, and others interested in Hispanic/Latino Ministries.
  • 3 Utilize new and innovative methods for funding raising.
  • 4 Increase MARCHA membership payments and registration.
 Goal 4:   Enhance organization’s communication system for telling MARCHA story and organizing


  • 1 Create a communication team and build capacity to implement strategy and produce content.
  • 2 Produce content on a more frequent basis.
  • 3 Enhance Social Media Presence.
  • 4 Utilize Computer Technology for More Connections, Meetings and Events.
Goal 5:   Build and expand membership base


  • 1 Increase the membership numbers significantly.
  • 2 Identify, track and connect with persons who are self-identify as friends or supporters of MARCHA.

CLICK HERE to download complete strategic plan in pdf format.

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